Our Individual Policy Advisories
From Campaign Manager Emily Hill:
Dear Presidential Candidate Norton,
I'm writing to you in order to express my ideas on how we could better respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. As I’m sure you are aware, this virus has been sweeping our nation, infecting thousands of Americans, and claiming many lives. It was first reported in the U.S. in January, and since then has become an increasingly urgent situation. In order to help stop the spread, state governments have issued stay-at-home orders, and the federal government has announced social distancing guidelines. As businesses begin to reopen however, these guidelines are not being adhered to because some citizens believe that the worst of the virus is over, and that there is no longer a need for social distancing. This is a dangerous mindset which will only result in the coronavirus spreading even more quickly. Businesses need to reopen, as they need to continue to make a profit which will help keep them afloat, and also aid in the recovery of the economy. Nonetheless, there needs to be methods to ensure that businesses are reopening safely and that social distancing guidelines are being followed by everyone. I propose that there be more enforcement of social distancing, especially in places that people tend to congregate the most such as parks, restaurants, etc. This heavier enforcement would require the assistance from law enforcement agencies across America, and in order to properly compensate them, we would need to dedicate a portion of our funding to increasing their salaries during this time. Keep in mind though, that continued social distancing will help decrease the spread of the virus between people, and also save lives. An academic journal states that strong social distancing methods could reduce the number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S., and the cumulative deaths (Gudi & Tiwari, 2020, p. 109). I believe that we should take into consideration any method that can help save American lives during this pandemic, and I believe that stricter enforcement of social distancing is something that could really help. Thank you for your consideration.
Best regards,
Emily Hill
Campaign Manager
From Vice President Makena Hanson:
Dear President Sedona Norton,
I am Makena Hanson, and I wrote this letter to address to you the issue about education around the United States and what we can do as a government to reduce the issue. Let’s understand some facts first, 84% of kids in the United States don't have an education, which leaves about 230,000 kids between the ages of 5 and 17, not having an education. I plan on telling the president to help all kids that need to get an education by putting a government funded school in some of the areas that are extremely poor, and in poverty. In the year of 2017, the poverty rate was 12.3 percent, and in the 3 years, it's gone up much more. Education in the United States is a privilege and some children don’t have the privilege to get an education. By putting in government funded schools in the poverted areas of the United States would bring up our education percent and our graduation presents. We also need to add more funding to the schools that are government funded. Schools are being shut down and closed or they’re not able to pay the staff due to lack of funding by governments. By funding schools, this leads to more students learning and getting the chance to get an education instead of not being able to finish getting one due to lack of funding at their school district. When we create more government funded schools, the amount of students in one school will go down a bit, since schools here in the United States are exceeding capacity. We need to give funding to the schools because if there is not funding, there are less teachers due to paycheck issues. If the school doesn’t have enough money from funding to pay the teachers, there are going to be no teachers left to do their job, which then, again, leads to schools shutting down and no more education for those 500+ students. President Norton, please address these issues to the rest of your team and help the kids in need of an education. You can be the change in the United States. Thank you.
Makena Hanson